Monday, October 26, 2009

Multiple Fronts

Greetings and Semper Fidelis to all my fellow patriots in internetland.

This will be a short-er post than normal, since it has only been a couple of weeks since my last rant. I am thinking about prepping for my blogtalkradio program coming up this Wednesday. Carl Swensson of RiseUpForAmerica will be a guest on my first one hour program. Try and listen in over your lunch break on Oct. 28th. Carl is a gen-you-wine patriot who has put his money where his mouth is.

Today's blog "multiple fronts" brings to mind the several and disparate theaters of operation in a much larger coordinated battle plan. Maybe we should be thinking in military terms, since we are in a de facto war of ideas. Collectivism versus individual liberties. Which front are you actively engaged in? We should first define who we are at war with and what our goals are. That way we, unlike the fedgov in the ME, will know when we will have won. Of course, the ultimate goal is the restoration of a God blessed, constitutional republic as envisioned, bled for, and established by our founding fathers, may they rest in peace. Now I don't make a claim to be a military strategist, so here are some perceptions from just a common guy.

The fronts are the areas in which we may engage the enemy: 1. We can be an armchair activist, by being in direct communication with our elected representatives. Fax, phone, email to both local and DC offices. This also includes membership in orgs who take the battle to the state houses like Georgia and the Fed houses via Gun Owners of America, 2. We can be a mobile activist who participates in marches, sign wavings, gatherings, and group meetings with our elected reps and in-your-face office visits in force. Lastly we can be a 3. serious defender of the republic and be active and engaged with orgs like your state militia, Alarm & Muster, Oath Keepers, 5th Column Tyranny Response Corp, and in my case the Georgia Militia, and others I am sure.

So, folks. It boils down to the four boxes.

The 1st Amendment guarantees us the first box: the soap box. We have the freedom of speech, assembly and right to redress our government.

The second box defines our rights and obligations to choose our leaders: the ballot box. Should our government fail in it's responsibilities to maintain a balance of power via the three branches, and fall into despotism we have the third box.

The third box: the jury box, by which we the people may exercise our authority to nullify bad and unconstitutional law.

And lastly, the fourth box: the ammo box. I know I don't have to make any arguments about hunting or self-defense to my readers, as they all know the reason our founders placed the right to own and bear arms as number two in the Bill of Rights. It is about fighting tyranny. Used to be the tyrant was a foreigner with designs on territorial conquest. Not anymore. Our oaths say, protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. Well friends, welcome to the latter.

We still have an illegal usurper occupying the White House and implementing a globalist agenda to subvert the will of the American people.

We need to ask ourselves questions.

If not me, who?

If not now, when?

Remember Martin Niemoller. Remember the boiling frog.

It is late.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Are we really free?

Greetings fellow patriots.
I have not posted in a while mainly due to a diffusion of effort and attention. As you all likely know, there is much to be done with only a few hands. How few? Think 3%'ers. Another group growing by leaps and bounds are Alarm & Muster There are many orgs out there fighting the good fight for the Constitution, due process, the rule of law and individual liberty. Find the ones that fit your beliefs, personality and style, and go for it.

This coming Saturday, Oct. 17th, offers a chance to participate in "Can you hear us now?" at locations all across America. Here in Atlanta I will be joining with the Georgia chapter of Alarm & Muster at the CNN center. The US msm has been up to their same old derelict, commie selfs by ignoring big threats to our nation. At least the commie Van Jones stepped down, but we are left with the disgusting reality of some 30 plus czars (tzars?) including the pro-sodomite and founder of GLSEN, Kevin Jennings in the Dept. of Education ( if that is not an oxymoron I don't know what is).

More and more are coming out in opposition to the direct threat to our personal liberties in the form of a tyrannical diktat to take a swine flu shot. I think by now it has been shown that H1N1 is a man made concoction of human, swine and avian dna, whose vaccine was patented in 2008. Odd that wouldn't you say? If I were the developer of the LIVE virus to be injected into millions of sheeple, I would certainly patent the vaccine to protect my profits. Can't patent the virus, that would make it too easy to be caught.

The so-called American Police Force in Montana has been exposed as a fraud and that "Captain" Hilton is an excon. Notwithstanding the fact that posse comitatus explicitly prohibits military ( and by extension their mercenary "contractors" I would expect) from engaging in any kind of civilian law enforcement.

Sat in a ladder stand this weekend hoping for Bambi's grampa to walk by, and instead was treated to a fine display of chemtrails heading from west to east. Given my loc in eastern Georgia, I suspect that the trails were laid down over Atlanta. The wispy tendrils showed that there was a range of molecular weights involved with the heavier ones dispersing faster. I emailed pics to Congressman Tom Price many months ago asking: who is doing this, what are they putting in my breathing air, and for what reason? Guess what? No reply. Recently, some have conflated chemtrails with the swine flu scare. Anything is within the realm of possibility when you are dealing with evil and believe me folks, this whole trumped up, false flag of H1H1 is exactly that. Reminds me of the joke of the guy who had three wives up and die on him: two from poisoning and one from a broken neck. When asked how she broke her neck, he said: she wouldn't swallow the poison. Go ahead and take your poi, er, I mean flu shots, everything will be just fine. just ask the Canucks. Studies are showing that regular flu shots increase the liklihood of contracting the swine flu.

Pray for Orly Taitz, et al, in the drive to unseat the usurper in chief. The longer that unqualified alien sits in office, the greater the damage to our republic and the more screwups to be unscrewed such as all the unconstitutional appointments of his fellow travelers.

Is it time to water the tree of liberty? Quite possibly. Before that happens, I think that secession is the order of the day as explicated in the Declaration. Remember those words?

"We hold these truths to be self evident..... that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the governed that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it."

The time has come to put an end to the communist style, Constitutional dictatorship which we have allowed to come into existence. All of our elected officials who have failed to uphold their oaths of office are hereby demanded to resign. If they fail to then we may have to resort to one of the boxes. You pick:

Soap box
Ballot box
Jury box
Ammo box.

If not now, when?

If not me, who?

Semper Fidelis